Luxury Gourmet Chocolates, Dates and Gifts | Aaraya Chocolatier

Milk Chocolate Box

Introducing the Epitome of Decadence: Milk Chocolate Box

Elevate your senses and indulge in the symphony of flavors that define true luxury with our meticulously crafted Artisanal Premium Milk Chocolate Box. A masterpiece born from the union of age-old chocolatier craftsmanship and the avant-garde essence of new-age luxury, this collection is a testament to the artistry that lies within every velvety piece.

Product Details:
• Assorted handcrafted Milk Chocolates
• Comes with a Royal Purple Box
• Allergen information: Nuts, Dairy & Gluten
• Milk Chocolates
• 8 Pieces – Size of the box – 33 CM X 11 CM X 05 CM
•  25 Pieces – Size of the box – 42 CM X 26 CM X 05 CM


99.00 AED 350.00 AED

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Milk Chocolate Box


Introducing the Epitome of Decadence: Milk Chocolate Box

Elevate your senses and indulge in the symphony of flavors that define true luxury with our meticulously crafted Artisanal Premium Milk Chocolate Box. A masterpiece born from the union of age-old chocolatier craftsmanship and the avant-garde essence of new-age luxury, this collection is a testament to the artistry that lies within every velvety piece.

Savor the opulence of each bite as your palate embarks on a journey through a realm of unparalleled taste experiences. The symphony of flavors that awaits within is a medley of delight for the discerning connoisseur:


Pistachio. Discover the subtle crunch of roasted pistachios enveloped in the silken embrace of our finest milk chocolate. A harmonious dance of nutty essence and creamy cocoa awaits.

Pine Nut Enchantment. Let the delicate essence of pine nuts transport you to sylvan landscapes with every nibble. The rich milk chocolate enhances the earthy undertones for an experience that’s both grounding and indulgent.

Lotus Biscoff Reverie. Surrender to the nostalgic allure of Lotus Biscoff as it melds flawlessly with the velvety milk chocolate. An ode to timeless flavors, this is a rendezvous with the past, elevated to new heights.

Burnt Cashew Euphoria. Immerse yourself in the depths of flavor as burnt cashew nuts infuse their distinct charisma into the creamy milk chocolate canvas. It’s a bold expression of taste that leaves an indelible mark.

Chewy Caramel Symphony with Nuts:. Let the dulcet tones of chewy caramel serenade your senses, interlaced with the crunch of finely selected nuts. This is a decadent concerto that lingers long after the last note is played.

More Flavors

Milk Chocolate Truffle Extravaganza: Surrender to the pinnacle of luxury with our exquisite milk chocolate truffle. It’s a dance of textures and flavors that encapsulates the very essence of indulgence.

Hazelnut Mirage: Envelop yourself in the nutty embrace of hazelnuts, skillfully paired with the rich milk chocolate. This is a reverie of sophistication that will transport you to the lap of luxury.

Coconut Delight: Embark on a tropical sojourn as the creamy milk chocolate caresses your taste buds, complemented by the subtle allure of coconut. It’s an escape to a paradise of flavors.

Salted Caramel Infusion: Experience the art of balance as the richness of caramel meets the delicate sprinkle of salt, harmonizing with the velvety milk chocolate for a sensory masterpiece.

Kunafa Sensation: Unearth the mystique of kunafa as it intertwines with the milk chocolate, creating an exceptional fusion that pays homage to tradition while embracing modern luxury.


8 Pieces, 16 Pieces, 25 Pieces


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